Gavin McInnes Wife Emily Got Embroiled in Vicinity Drama

Gavin McInnes does not shy away from expressing his thoughts, beliefs, and political ideologies. The same goes for his wife,Emily Jendrisak. The co-founder of Vice Magazine has been the center of attention with his far-right political activism. He has been accused of establishing a far-right neo-fascist organization named Proud Boys.

Gavin McInnes does not shy away from expressing his thoughts, beliefs, and political ideologies. The same goes for his wife, Emily Jendrisak.

The co-founder of Vice Magazine has been the center of attention with his far-right political activism. He has been accused of establishing a far-right neo-fascist organization named Proud Boys. 

Similarly, he often is dragged into controversies and accused of promoting violence against political opponents. Usually, only McInnes is involved in these things. 

But since the last couple of years, his wife also has been dragged into the mess. The biggest one she was involved in was in 2019 when she threatened her neighbor over signs. 

Gavin McInnes vs. His Neighborhood

In January 2019, McInnes and his spouse had an ugly spat with their neighbors. They used to live at the upscale village in Westchester County named Larchmont. 

That society was a haven for the couple and their kids, but things turned downhill after their neighbors found out who they were. Initially, the residents did not know the McInnes-Jendrisak family.

Gavin McInnes posing for a photo. (Source: Twitter)

But after McInnes made headlines for attacking protesters in Manhattan in October 2018, the residents realized who their neighbors were. The podcaster knew soon that his neighborhood was not a fan of his ideologies. 

Fast forward to 2019, McInnes' neighborhood had signs that read "Hate Has No Home Here" on their lawns. Religious organizations passed the signs, and the residents proudly showed them off against McInnes.

One resident told HuffPost that people were entitled to their opinions, but what McInnes was doing was "a radical departure from discourse."

They pointed out that the podcaster made "a conscious decision to incite violence and hate."

Gavin McInnes: "Put down the console, you grown manbaby. It's embarrassing."

Also Gavin McInnes: "My wife is a proud Democrat who voted for Hillary Clinton in the presidential election." — Terror House Press (@terrorhousemag) January 5, 2019

Therefore, they had the signs to show people they did not share his identity and that their house was safe and friendly. It is reported that McInnes tried to shut the situation down by sending letters to his neighbors. 

He claimed that his Native-American wife was a Democrat, and he was a "businessman and humorist." Similarly, he called Proud Boys a "drinking club" he started as a joke.

Gavin McInnes's Wife Threatened their Neighborhood

Initially, it seemed that McInnes had the feud between him and his neighborhood under control. But once his wife got involved, things turned messy for the couple. 

Jendrisak was also not happy that their neighbors were putting up signs that said, "Hate Has No Home Here." So she and her spouse joined a private online discussion on the app Nextdoor with the Larchmont society. 

They tried their best to get rid of accusations and allegations against them. McInnes defended himself and Proud Boys and said everything was a joke. 

Gavin McInnes and his wife, Emily Jendrisak, posing for a photo. (Source: Twitter)

Jendrisak claimed she was a liberal and was accepting of everything. She wrote, "I assure you as a Native American woman raised with a full-blood mother and a longtime liberal, my heart is full and open to all."

Initially, the residents believed Jendrisak, thinking she was just dragged into her husband's mess. But it was all a facade. 

According to HuffPost, which reviewed the evidence, Jendrisak threatened her neighbors. She harassed them and said she would take legal action against people coming for her family. 

She supported her husband's lies and claimed he never led a hate group. She begged her neighbors to let her "sweet, kind-hearted children have some peace."

When questioned about the conversation with her neighbors, McInnes and his wife claimed they did not threaten anyone. Jendrisak denied all the allegations of her threatening legal actions and shut the accusations down. 

