Ian Haugland

Birth Name: Jan Hkan Haugland Place of Birth: Storslett, Nordreisa, Norway Date of Birth: 13 August, 1964 Ethnicity: Norwegian Ian Haugland is a Norwegian musician. He is the drummer of Swedish rock band Europe. Other members of the group include/have included Marcel Jacob, John Levn, Kee Marcello, Mic Michaeli, John Norum, Peter Olsson, Tony Reno,

Birth Name: Jan Håkan Haugland

Place of Birth: Storslett, Nordreisa, Norway

Date of Birth: 13 August, 1964

Ethnicity: Norwegian

Ian Haugland is a Norwegian musician. He is the drummer of Swedish rock band Europe. Other members of the group include/have included Marcel Jacob, John Levén, Kee Marcello, Mic Michaeli, John Norum, Peter Olsson, Tony Reno, and Joey Tempest.

